Assorted Chinese poems by Lung, Tin Yick (龍天翼, pinyin: Lóng Tiān Yì) have been uploaded to this website in the format of a JPEG file. In most cases, the image is some combination of text and an accompanying photo. Every JPEG file (composite image) whose icon is displayed in the table of contents beside the title of the poem is the work of the author of the poem while the accompaniment photo(s) may be the creation(s) of the same person or a different individual. Therefore, the names of all contributors involved are shown for each poem unless there was a request for anonymity. Also included for information is the title of book or periodical in which the poem was previously published (in the case of an old work) or the title of a new book in which the poem will be published (in the case of a new work). This table of contents will be updated every time when a new JPEG file of an assorted poem is uploaded. Newest uploads appear at the top.
文字及合成影象均由龍天翼創作,照片由 Deanna Turner拍攝。
Poem and composite image by Lung, Tin Yick. Photo by Deanna Turner.
上載日期 / Date of Upload:2025-02-19
本頁初載日期 / Date of first upload (this web page):2025-02-19
本頁更新日期 / Date of last upate (this web page):2025-02-26 (Addition of two poems)