This website is used by Lung, Tin Yick (龍天翼, pinyin: Lóng Tiān Yì) to display his assorted literary works of which most are Chinese poems written in the language of Hàn (漢語). Friendly readers are welcome to read the contents online or download some of the JPEG files for souvenir but please do not use them for commercial purposes. Please do cite the source when quoting for academic research. For reproduction or republishing on other websites or media, please obtain the author’s prior written consent in order to comply with pertinent copyright laws.

本頁初載日期 / Date of first upload (this web page:2025-02-19
本頁更新日期 / Date of last upate (this web page):2025-03-03 (Added one JPEG to the slider.)
本網初載日期 / Date of first upload (this website):2025-02-19
本網更新日期 / Date of last update (this website):2025-03-03 (See "Announcements" for details.)